
Prices and Packages

We offer different camera packages so you can share your memories of your tandem skydive with your friends and family.

scroll down to read our prices for tandem skydiving in Hamilton New Zealand

At Hamilton, we jump from 12,000ft:

12,000ft 40 seconds of freefall $415

Due to restrictions we can't go higher here in Hamilton, but if you'd like to experience freefalling from 15,000ft, check out our friends at Skydive Tauranga

Then, choose your memories

Tandem Photos: $139
Tandem Videos: $149
Tandem Cam: Video and photos by your Tandem Master: $179
Tandem 360: Video and photos by your Tandem Master with a 360 camera: $219
Inside Out: (subject to availability) Outside Cam + Tandem Cam: $299

See some examples of each package Book now